WHAT: Special COP23 GreenDrinks Bonn Meetup
WHEN: November 6th, 7-10 PM
WHERE: The 9th, Stockenstr. 5, 53113 Bonn
HOW: Walk, cycle, car-pool or use public transportation
This month's GreenDrinks Bonn is a SPECIAL COP23 WELCOME PARTY!
Join us for fun, life music, arts and collective climate action to celebrate the kick-off of the UN climate conference in Bonn.
The party will take place at The Ninth, a co-working and event space near the university and city center. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet and mingle with eco-friendly locals, international guests, climate activists and artists and get into the BULA spirit!
Bula means "welcome" (literally "life") in the Fijian language. The climate conference (Nov. 6-17) is under the presidency of Fiji. The government of the small Pacific Island state wants to infuse the COP23 with the “Bula Spirit” of inclusiveness, friendliness and solidarity and promote the Pacific concept of "talanoa", a process of inclusive, participatory and transparent dialogue that builds empathy and leads to decision making for the collective good.
GreenDrinks Bonn is an informal monthly get-together for anyone interested in the environment and sustainability and a joint initiative by Unity Effect e.V., Bonnections, The Tannenbusch House and the Bonn Energy & Environment Roundtable (BEER).
We meet the every first Tuesday of the month (7-9 pm) at different venues to support local business and Bonn's growing sustainability eco-system. Join us for drinks, conversation, and a little networking. It's a chance to connect with friendly, like-minded people to help shape a future that's green and happy.
GreenDrinks Bonn is part of the international Greendrinks network. www.greendrinks.org/Bonn
Der Mitmach-Kalender auf bonn4future.de ersetzt den Bonn im Wandel-Kalender. Dieser Termin wurde von bonnimwandel.de importiert.