It’s playtime!!25.05.2019 16:00-18:00 Uhr Tannenbusch Haus
Finger prints, storytelling and game parcours; what else could your inner child dream of? Well.. if there is something, let us know! And bring your own childhood games with you :)
And what is mentioned above is actually happening. For this, we want to invite both children (3 years and above) and adult-children to our international childhood game afternoon.
During 4-6pm the living room and garden of the Tannenbusch House will be turned into a giant playground. Snacks, drinks and coffee are provided. Yet any contribution is more than welcome!
The childhood game afternoon is part of our anniversary celebrations. On the same day we will offer a [Tannenbusch Tour] and will host Melchi at our [International Music Night].
So join in and let’s celebrate together!
Veranstalter: Tannenbusch Haus
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