WAS: Special GreenDrinks Bonn Meetup & mit kreativer Mitmachaktion zum Bemalen eines "Parachute for the Planet"
WANN: 19 Mai, 14 - 18 Uhr, beim Macke Fest im Kult41
Zusammen mit lokalen Initiativen, Klima-Aktivisten und Schulen möchte die Bonnections Initiative während der Bonner SDG Tage 17 Spiel-Fallschirme bemalen für das weltweite "Parachutes for the Planet" Projekt. Jede/r ist herzlich eingeladen, sich daran zu beteiligen.
WHAT: GreenDrinks & Bonnections Creative Mixer at Macke Neighborhood Fest
WHEN: Sunday, May 19 , 2- 6 PM
WHERE: KULT41, Hochstadenring 45, 53119 Bonn
Join us for an afternoon of painting and socialising and the kick-off of the Weltbaustellen NRW Mural Painting Project at KULT41. Meet with eco-friendly people, get creative and paint with us Parachutes for the Planet. The event is part of the local SDG Days. The "17 events for 17 goals" series (May 3 - June 30) aims to raise awareness for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, showcase lnitiatives that are implementing the SDGs at grass-roots level & inspire people to take action for sustainable living and climate protection. #Act4SDGs
More info & SDG Days program flyer in German: https://www.bonn.de/themen-entdecken/uno-internationales/sdgs-bonn.php
Bonnections teamed up with the US-based Mother Earth Project to create colorful parachutes for the global Parachutes for the Planet initiative. In collaboration with various local groups, including the Bonner Netzwerk für Entwicklung, Parents for Future Bonn, FFF youth and schools. Together we want to paint 17 play parachutes (4m in diameter) by the end of June. The parachutes will be displayed at the May 24 climate strike and other events during the SDG Days.
GreenDrinks Bonn is a casual monthly mixer for everyone interested in green business and environmental issues and part of the international GreenDrinks network. www.greendrinks.org
Green Drinks is for anyone involved in the environment and related fields. Freelancers and consultants, green entrepreneurs, groups / NGOs, students, academics, employees of government departments and local authorities, younger as well as older people. So please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in meeting other people related to sustainability.
Our goal is to bring together eco-friendly people and help shape a future that's green and sustainable.and create a conversation where individuals can share ideas and opportunities, or gain support for a cause. We usually meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at different venues to support local business and Bonn's growing sustainability eco-system.
Der Mitmach-Kalender auf bonn4future.de ersetzt den Bonn im Wandel-Kalender. Dieser Termin wurde von bonnimwandel.de importiert.