20.11. von 16:00-18:00 Uhr DIE im Tulpenfeld 6
The first bonnallianceICB Lecture Series "Forty years after the “Imperative of Responsibility” Ethics of Technology Choice in Times of Eroding Planetary Boundaries" takes place from April, 25 until December, 11 (8 lectures), organized by Dr. Andreas Stamm, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).
Whatever the stance towards disruptive innovation to meet global challenges, it is worth reflecting about existing approaches to technology impact assessment and related forecasts. Since around three decades, the German parliament receives scientifically founded advice to assess technological developments and possible impacts. Other countries have similar offices for technology assessment in place. A background discussion in November aims at learning about the various approaches and to discuss, whether, given the scale of global challenges and outreach of mitigation technologies, TA should be significantly scaled-up and organized multilaterally.
Die Veranstaltung ist auf English.
Veranstalter: DIE
Der Mitmach-Kalender auf bonn4future.de ersetzt den Bonn im Wandel-Kalender. Dieser Termin wurde von bonnimwandel.de importiert.